I am an information junkie.
I have the constant yearning desire to always know more.
When a problem arises in my life, I Nancy Drew it for solutions. I consult, I research, I read, etc. I do whatever I can to find out more about the problem to generate better solutions.
My most recent problem has sent me to a myriad of sources... movies, classic novels, cosmo, web md, and lastly (and most recently i.e. today) the self-help section of the library. And after A LOT of reading... I am still at a loss. I didn't find solace in the information at my magazine inked fingertips.
Instead, I felt only more... lost. Like somehow the answer is SO simple, and I am too stupid to see it right in front of me. Like, somewhere along the way I learned this lesson... and now, it's like a pop quiz to see if I learned anything...
only, this isn't the right class, the test is in the wrong language and I lack the proper writing utensil.