October 28, 2010

No... Really, relationships are complicated

After watching all the TV I can stand... I decided, relationships are NOT for TV.
I mean seriously, the Jersey Shore people swapping sloppy seconds... the Sister Wives trying to make their lives normal... Seriously.

REAL relationships are not meant to be on TV.
The silver screen sure... who doesn't love a good Rom-Com. or a good One-that-got-away.
I digress.

What I am trying to say, is that I feel the real intimacies of REAL relationships need not be broadcast-ed for all to see. I mean, really... Rachel Zoe's fear of getting fat from getting pregnant and seeing he husband pretty much BEG for a baby? Did we need to see those character flaws. I prefer to remember my RZ as the Starbux toting bug eye wearing waif that she was. And her husband, as well... her husband, not a baby crazed man.

No one wants to see the fights esp. the stupid ones over what to have for dinner or who left their contacts in the sink instead of rinsing them down the drain.

Admittedly, I briefly blogged about MY relationship. I realize now... That could have been done better, or not at all.

So, in my search for info on this... I found charts... WAY better than information.

Charts taken from here

October 12, 2010

Finally, I'm back... with a "bang"

I know I haven't been writing. I think I really was just waiting for the right piece of info to fall into my lap, and start a little blog-fire at my desk.

Ladies and gents, I give you: "THE "F*uck List"

NOW... this has been on the news (ok, the Today Show)

And this has some people in an uproar. I think this is completely misguided. This document was intended as a field guide for a small group of people whom the author knew (so the author says) and one of those people made the document public (the groupie owned up to this too). I think many of us have created documents meant to be seen by one or a few sets of eyes only, like a blog, diary, or just a friendly note passed from one to another... and at times, these documents get viewed by the wrong people or land in the wrong hands.

Personally I think emailing this power-point document (42 or so slides) was the authors downfall. I mean, honestly, I would really want a hard copy... not like a covered, nicely bound copy, but a generic copy paper style. Nothing says "I think you should have all this knowledge I have acquired" like a super thick (hah) document in my hands from a close personal friend (this is almost a 'that's what she said').

But let's be honest, let's brass tacks this...
1. This is what we women do with our friends (hellllo, Sex in the City, anyone?). WE compile our data over time (one night, one week, one year, whatever) and we will update our female cohorts and send out our queries to our close personal friends. We will ask, "Is the normal?", "Does this happen to you?", "What do I do?" etc. We will ask eachother these questions and listen and LEARN from one another experiences.

2. I actually commend this woman for compiling all this research and putting it in a easy to view format and GIVING it to her friends. I applaud the time, effort and money (alcohol costs money-- well, apparently until the new test subject starts buying the shots) into this labor of lust. OH and it has easy to read charts.

3. Critics are calling her a female Tucker Max. That is... horrible. Tucker Max is a self proclaimed asshole, narcissist, womanizer... This female author is claiming none of this. Honestly, I think she is a brainier Carrie Bradshaw with more details, pictures and sexts but possibly without the syndicated column and the closet.
She isn't selling this to make money (yet) as TM did (he wrote the book I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, which was also made into a crap movie that I am sorry was ever in my Netflix queue). She did this for amusement (which we've ALL done) and entertainment (we've done this too). Someone she knew went a step to far by posting it for all to see.

But this, to me is the unmentioned kicker... How hard is it for some of those Duke boys to get a hookup now (esp after that lacrosse team incident a few years ago). I mean, now a portion (or all) of Duke women KNOW their size, their skill level... I mean, before these boys could use a certain amount of prowess or finesse with words to con a Duke woman into their unskilled, unsatisfying clutches (granted, based on the chart not all of them are unskilled and/or unsatisfying). And I imagine the ones ranking at the top are still filling their wants/beds/needs/etc. with little or no problem; they probably owe this woman a thank you letter.