September 29, 2008

Another Day

OK... so once again, I find myself.
I was slightly to the left of where I left myself the time before... Don't you hate when that happens?

Moving on.

Its been a really fun weekend... with the paying of bills, the losing of my wallet AND its magical return to me by a really nice person, and finally a second interview with a company I am really excited about.
Also, I decided, I don't spend enough time with me... So what do I decide to do?
I trim down my life.

I moved away from things that were distracting me, and taking my time away from myself and my never ending quest to find "desirable" employment. And now, after this mornings ordeal with the cell phone company, I think, all in all, it was the best thing I could have done for myself.

You can NOT convince me otherwise.
Sorry. Actually, no, I'm not sorry. This had to be done... And I didn't see a better solution. And I don't frankly care how high your IQ is, or how many other "better solutions" anyone could come up with.
I am right. You are wrong.

Now, with that out of the way, today the second interview went really well. And I am supposed to hear from them tomorrow. So, I'm crossing my fingers and PRAYING that this will be my well shined shoe in the door back into the writing arena. And, if it's not...

Then it's not.
I'll cross that bridge if it comes to it.

September 26, 2008

Bills... Anyone?

So, with moving across the country, it takes a little time for all your bills to show up.

And most people check theirs online, ya know, as so payments are not late.
Yea, with the dial up connection and my life seemingly to be unraveling with a barage of texts, emails, and an endless aray of job interviews... I over-looked looking up when and how much my bills were.
Silly, I know.
Careless, yea, that too.

All are past due.
AND I don't have a hard copy, I just looked it all up. And let me tell you.


Before I go into this next interview, I set here, in a financial state of panic, not really sure of what to do... I might run to the self-help section of the library and cry.
No one will find me there, and maybe I could learn how to pull this stuff together... I gal can hope right?

But instead, I will chalk this one up to my own careless-ness and un-awareness. It was my mistake, these are my bills.

yea, BIG oops.

Just another day in the life of someone TRYING to get their life back together when the economy, is like it is.

There is my answer, blame the economy!

September 16, 2008

'Cause, You Know... Life is Fair.

Lets all pretend for a moment that life is fair.
Totally unabashedly 100% fair. (yea, I know its not)

Say, there is this lovely-amazing-talented person who is hard-working-dedicated and does everything they can to further themselves (not selfishly NOR destroying those around them). Say this SAME person has been... un-employed for an (seemingly) overwhelming amount of time.

This person in question... might have finally caught a break.
Too bad they are hesitant and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

September 8, 2008

Time Out

So, I took a mental health day the other day and drove around, went to a movie and went to Lowe's.

What I like best about movies, is that for TWO hours, I am not in my own life. Even if the one i chose was well... a silly house with a bunch of chicks with image complexes. But hey, House Bunny was TOTALLY worth that $2.25.